World Finals
Sanremo, Teatro Ariston – March 26, 2025
General Eligibility Requirements
Art. 1
Kismet, a world known organization as GEF – the World Festival of Creativity in Schools – is now also organizing the contest for soloist singers from 6 to 15, “sanremoJunior”, to spread and appreciate music and singing among young people, putting them in touch with professionals of the sector in an international and multi ethnic environment.
“sanremoJunior” is also a window for visibility in the media, both nationally and internationally.
Art. 2
Who can participate in the competition
All our artistic and cultural events are messengers of peace, love and friendship. Participants, regardless of ethnicity, colour, religion and nationality, will be able to participate in the sanremoJunior competition without discrimination, in a spirit of mutual respect with the other participants.
Participants must hold the nationality or documented citizenship of the nation they represent.
Participants must be between the ages of 6 and 15
Participants intending to apply in the different sections for the 2025 edition must be in the required age range between the 1st of January and the 31st of December 2025.
The contest is divided into 3 sections A1/A2/A3:
Pop music, rock, jazz, folk and rap
A1. 6 to 9 year old (born between Jan. 1st 2016 and Dec. 31st , 2019)
A2. 10 to 12 year old (born between Jan. 1st , 2013 and Dec. 31st , 2015)
A3. 13 to 15 year old (born between Jan. 1st , 2010 and Dec. 31st , 2012)
Each song may be presented in Italian, and/or any other language. If the language used is neither Italian nor English, an English translation of the lyrics must be supplied.
Both published and unpublished songs will be welcomed in the contest.
Contestants can only present one musical piece (with no autotune, harmonization or other vocals such as double voices or choirs) lasting no longer than 3 minutes and 30 seconds to be selected, and it must remain the same throughout all further stages of the competition.
Art. 3
STEP 1 – deadline January the 5th, 2025: ON-LINE registration for all participants. The registration fee is € 50 (fifty) payable at The registration fee is not refunded under any circumstance.
STEP 2 – by January the 20th, 2025: participants admitted to the World Finals in Sanremo (Finale Mondiale di Sanremo) will receive a confirmation by e-mail.
STEP 3 – by January the 31st 2025: participants selected for STEP 2 must download from the link that we will send the documents indicated here and, after having filled the forms, send them exclusively by e-mail to
pay the € 390,00 (three hundred and ninety) registration fee for the World Finals on line.
STEP 4 –March 26th, 2025 World Finals: participants will perform live at the Ariston accompanied by the “sanremoJunior Orchestra” with 32 musicians.
Art. 4
Art. 5
STEP 1 – Exclusive ON-LINE registration for all participants
No other registration is accepted.
By 5 January 2025 participants must fill in the application forms, upload music, songs and pay € 50,00 for the online selection. The sum of € 50 will not be refunded in any case. Use the form at and no other.
Payments using PayPal, credit and debit cards accepted. No other form of payment will be accepted for the sum of € 50.00 for the selection
The songs uploaded can be either as video (mp4) or audio (mp3 or wave) files and will be examined by the sanremoJunior Selection Committee. The Committee will choose the participants admitted to the sanremoJunior World Finals.
The members of the sanremoJunior Selection Committee, at their sole and irrevocable discretion, will decide which participants are admitted to the sanremoJunior World Finals, without having to give any reason to either the admitted participants or those not admitted.
By 20 January 2025, participants admitted to the World Finals will receive an e-mail giving access to a restricted area of the site via a private link in order to proceed with the next steps.
By 31 January 2025, from the “reserved area” of which they will receive the link, the participants admitted to the World Finals will have to download the following documents and, after their parents or guardians have filled them in, scan them and send them exclusively by e-mail to with the rest of the material listed here:
Only 1 song of maximum 3 minutes and 30 seconds + the backing track recorded on 2 separate format (mp3 or wave) with on both no trace of autotune, harmonization or other vocals such as double voices or choirs;
The text for the song can be in Italian or English and or in any foreign language or any dialect. In the event of the language not being Italian or English, present a text with translation into English or Italian.
Entry form filled in and signed by parents or legal guardian.
Copy of the participant’s identity-card.
1 passport sized photos.
Copy of the parents or the legal guardian’s identity-cards.
C.V. in Italian or English, max. 10 lines about the artist.
Proof of payment of the admission fee for the World Finals € 390.00 (three hundred and ninety) net after bank costs, which in the event of cancellation from the participant will NOT be refunded.
Hotel Booking Form and copy of the copy of the bank payment of the hotel package
Forms about the privacy rules (EU n.679/2016 – GDPR), filled in and signed.
TV Talent Release Form – permission to broadcast filming of participants – filled in and signed.
Payment which must be done exclusively by direct bank transfer. No other payment methods will be accepted. Early bookings to the Finals are highly recommended.
The payment of the admission fee of € 390 net and the payment for the hotel accommodation must be done exclusively by direct bank transfer to the following bank (No other payment methods will be accepted. Early bookings to the Finals are highly recommended):
Via Escoffier 3A – Sanremo – Italy
Beneficiary: KISMET S.R.L.
IBAN. IT13Y0538722700000047227787
No material received by post, courier will be accepted.
The registration fee for the World Finals includes:
Teatro Ariston with audio and lighting equipment
Logistical and organisational support of Kismet, which has been operating internationally in the cultural, educational and artistic sector since 1977
Welcome Service
Rehearsals with the Orchestra
Accompaniment by the Orchestra during the performance in the World Finals
Rehearsal with Orchestra supervised by our technical staff
Jury of experts appointed by the sanremoJunior Committee
SIAE (European Music Copyright Organization) fee
All the participants of the World Finals will receive:
“sanremoJunior” pass
Badge and badge holder
“sanremoJunior” Cap
World Finals (live performances accompanied by the sanremoJunior Orchestra)
Only one participant will represent his/her country at the Sanremo World Finals, although the “sanremoJunior Committee” may, in rare and accounted for cases, admit one or more additional participants to the World Finals at the Committee’s sole and Finals discretion. Participants in the World Finals will perform live, on March 26th 2025 at the Teatro Ariston of Sanremo, accompanied by the sanremoJunior Orchestra.
To the participants in the World Finals will be asked for the full score of the piece for the Conductor (full score) and the individual scores for the Orchestra (score).
Competitors admitted to the Finals stages must provide everything necessary for the performance of the submitted piece.
At any stage of the competition, the judgement of the members of the sanremoJunior Jury is Finals and un-appealable, without having to give any reason to either the admitted or non-admitted participants.
For technical/organisational reasons, the steps of the present article may be modified at any time.
On-line registration fee
Payments of €50.00 for the online selection must be made exclusively via the payment form on the website (Paypal). No other payment methods will be accepted (see Art. 5 Step 1)
Registration fee for the World Finals
The registration fee of € 390 net for the World Finals it must be paid exclusively trough direct bank transfer to our organization (see Art. 5 Step 3). No other payment methods will be accepted.
Hotel Package
Those admitted to the World Finals have to pay the hotel package during their stay in Sanremo, exclusively by direct bank transfer to our organization (see Art. 5 Step 3). No other payment methods will be accepted.
Art. 7
Both published and unpublished pieces will be welcomed in the contest. For selection, all participants are obliged to present one piece that will be the same in all eventual following further selections and Finals.
Each piece will last maximum 3 minutes and 30 seconds and will be submitted as a recording in mp3 or wave format.
In the application form must be clearly written: full name, title of the piece, genre, author, duration and clearly stated if it is an original piece or an arrangement, whether or not it was ever performed, etc.
Art. 8
No choreographies nor special lighting will be included, except for those which might be chosen by the organizers (their decision will be Finals) but that will have no bearing on the overall Panel decisions. Also choirs cannot be included.
Art. 9
During the selections and the World Finals in Sanremo a panel of expert judges by the Committee of sanremoJunior will select the prize winners. Valuation will be based not only on the usual technical and artistic criteria, (performing technique, expression, musicality and interpretation), but also on potential emerging both from the pieces performed and their performances. The Panel’s decisions are Finals and indisputable.
Art. 10
“Grand Prix” “sanremoJunior ” – to the absolute winner
“sanremoJunior Committee’s Award for the peace” – to the Finalist chosen by the sanremoJunior Committee
“Orchestra Award Plaque sanremoJunior” – the Finalist chosen by the orchestra musician including the conductor
“Student Award Plaque sanremoJunior” – the Finalist chosen by a group of students
“Award Plaque sanremoJunior ” – to the 1st and 2nd and 3rd classified of each section
Diploma Grand Finals “sanremoJunior ” to every other participant.
Art. 11
Every contestant participating in the World Finals in Sanremo Italy, have to provide the orchestra with their song (arrangement) in full score. The organizing committee will ask for it later on.
Each Finalist must provide all equipment needed to perform with, of the musical piece selected by the Panel, the sheet music for the orchestra conductor (full score) as well as for the orchestra (score).
Rehearsals with Orchestra will take place just before the Contest of the World Finals in Sanremo, dates and time will be communicated at a later stage.
Art. 12
As sanremoJunior is the only competition for soloists aged 6 to 15 years under the Official Patronage of the City of Sanremo (Comune di Sanremo), the Committee of sanremoJunior can ask every participant to perform (not in competition) on a stage or stages around in Sanremo, or during the year on different dates and places. Technical specifications will be supplied at a later stage.
The Organization will provide professional audio and lighting equipment (technical specifications will be given at a later stage).
Art. 13
The Organization is not responsible for possible communication mistakes or delays at any stage of the contest.
Art. 14
Participants must be punctual on the day, at the place and time established and communicated previously by the organization or they will be excluded from the competition with no refund.
Art. 15
The texts in competition must not contain expressions which could be found offensive to common decency, and/or the State, Institutions, the Church or any Religion.
Art. 16
During the performance, attitudes, clothes, movement or behaviour which could offend common decency, are not allowed. Moreover, it is compulsory for the participants to behave correctly according to the rules of public spirit during all stages of the contest and they must respect people and public property. In the case of any incorrect behaviour, the participant will be immediately disqualified.
Art. 17
All entrants taking part in the World Finals in Sanremo will undertake to pay for their own board and lodgings. For reasons of organization and event management, Finalists and accompanying adults or anyone spending nights in Sanremo, while taking part in sanremoJunior, will need to book through the organization of sanremoJunior choosing accommodation from the price list (on our site in order to gain accreditation and be able to take part in the Competition Finals.
Those admitted to the World Finals have to pay the hotel package during their stay in Sanremo, exclusively by direct bank transfer to our organization (see Art. 5 Step 3). No other payment methods will be accepted.
Art. 18
Kismet, owner and organizer of sanremoJunior, reserves the right to record and/or film and/or broadcast the event – in its entirety or in some of its phases – by any means (press, photography, radio, television, audiovisual, internet or other) as well as to combine the event with one or more initiatives of a promotional/advertising nature, without any obligation being owed and none of the participants having any claim whatsoever.
Art. 19
For technical/organizational reasons the sanremoJunior programme may be subject to variations, which will in any case be promptly communicated to all those concerned.
Art. 20
All material delivered will remain the property of Kismet, according to the uses permitted by law, and will not be returned. Kismet reserves the right to publish it or present it elsewhere, for the promotion and dissemination of the event, with nothing being due and none of the participants having any claim.
Art. 21
All printed materials and trademarks are protected by Copyright, therefore their use and reproduction by any means is prohibited. Any use not expressly authorized will be prosecuted according to law.
Art. 22
The Organizing Committee, the Promoter Association and the technical organization Company are not responsible for accidents to people or things both during the outward journeys and throughout the duration of the event.
Art. 23
Should a dispute arise the exclusive place of jurisdiction will be the Courts of Law in Sanremo – Imperia (Italy). The present regulation is entirely under the Italian law.
Art. 24
Anyone taking part in the event will have read and understood the conditions set by these regulations and accepts them unconditionally.
Participation to the event also implies that each participant explicitly agrees to the processing of all personal data supplied, according to EU n.6798/2016 (GDPR).
Those admitted to the World Finals will be able to download later from the the link that we will communicate, filled in and send us exclusively by email:
Entry Form
Information about the privacy according to UE n.6798/2016 (GDPR) and forms to be filled in
TV talent release form (consent form)
Hotel Accommodation Form
SIAE form
Kismet S.r.l. – Via Roma 128
18038 Sanremo – Italy
P.IVA: 00271330086